History / Tale
Torii Kiyotada V
The Eighteen Great Kabuki Plays / Guan Yu
colored on Silk 36.3x27cm (Image size)
25,000 JPY
Kawakami Sumio
Aesop's Fables
Watercolor on Paper 16.7x48cm each (Sheet size)
250,000 JPY
Ishii Rinkyo
THE LOYAL RONINS / Hermit of Yamashina 3
Woodblock Print 25.2x34cm (Sheet size)
3,000 JPY
Nishizawa Tekiho
THE LOYAL RONINS / Seikan issei
Woodblock Print 25.2x34cm (Sheet size)
8,000 JPY
Ito Chuta
THE LOYAL RONINS /Ono Kurobei and his Son are disgraced by the town People of Ako.
Woodblock Print 25.2x34cm (Sheet size)
8,000 JPY
Kimura Buzan
THE LOYAL RONINS /Yoshida Chuzaemon and others offer Prayer to the Great Shrine of Ise.
Woodblock Print 25.2x34cm (Sheet size)
5,000 JPY
Kurihara Gyokuyou
THE LOYAL RONINS /The Removal of Yosenin, Naganori's Window,from the Mansion of Tepposu.
Woodblock Print 25.2x34cm (Sheet size)
Now under negotiation.
Tomita Keisen
THE LOYAL RONINS / The Clansmen of Ako receives Instruction from Yamaga Soko.
Woodblock Print 25.2x34cm (Sheet size)
5,000 JPY
Kitano Tsunetomi
THE LOYAL RONINS / Yato Emoshichi receives an armor on his Father's Deathbed.
Woodblock Print 25.2x34cm (Sheet size)
20,000 JPY
Matsumoto Fuko
THE LOYAL RONINS / Horibe Yasubei and the Duel at Takadanobaba.
Woodblock Print 25.2x34cm (Sheet size)
5,000 JPY