Search Word: 前川千帆
Sekino Junichiro, Maekawa Senpan, Takei Takeo and other artists
Woodblock Print, Copper Print
50,000 JPY
Rene Barande, Henry Schjaerven, Maekawa Senpan, Mabuchi Rokutaro, Kawakami Sumio and Herbert Ott
Exlibris Calendar: January - June 1959
Woodblock Print, Wood Engraving
5,000 JPY
Tokyo Manga Association
Cartoon Handscrolls of the Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido
Bokusai on Paper
85,000 JPY
Exlibris Collection of Sofusha
edited by Inagaki Takeo
草風舎 昭和25年(1950)
50,000 JPY
Kawakami Sumio, Azechi Umetaro, Sekino Junichiro, Onchi Koshiro, Takei Takeo and other artists
Exlibris Calendar for 1949
Woodblock Print; Screenprint
35,000 JPY
Kotsu miniature book Vol.26 Pocketbook
Imamura Hidetaro
日本古書通信社 昭和51年(1976) 83頁
1,300 JPY
Sosaku Hanga Magazine : "Shiro to Kuro (White & Black)" / Vol. 32
白と黒社 昭和8年(1933)
65,000 JPY
Sosaku Hanga Magazine : "Shiro to Kuro (White & Black)" / Vol. 21
白と黒社 昭和7年(1932)
85,000 JPY
Sosaku Hanga Magazine : "Shiro to Kuro (White & Black)" / Vol. 19
白と黒社 昭和6年(1931)
120,000 JPY