Ex Libris
Ex Libris(エクス・リブリス)とは「誰それの蔵書から」という意味のラテン語で、書籍の見返しなどに貼られる所有者を示す小さな紙片の事です。ヨーロッパでは古くから多くの芸術家が手がけており、オディロン・ルドン最後の版画もエクス・リブリスでした。日本でも1922年に日本書票協会が設立される等して親しまれ、美術品として広く収集されています。
Kanamori Yoshio, Karasawa Hitoshi, Sekino Junichiro, Hiratsuka Unichi, Furusawa Iwami and Other Artists
EXLIBRIS BY 12 ARTISTS - Published by the Nippon Exlibris Association in Commemoration of the Second General Assembly
Woodblock Print, 木口Woodblock Print, Katazome, Copper Print
Omoto Yasushi, Kajiyama Toshio, Saito Kiyoshi, Serizawa Keisuke, Sekino Junichiro and Other Artists
EXLIBRIS BY 12 ARTISTS - Published by the Nippon Exlibris Association in Commemoration of the First General Assembly
Woodblock Print, Katazome, Screenprint
Kanamori Yoshio, Kitaoka Fumio, Kurita Masahiro, Kojima Naojiro, Yamataka Noboru and Other Artists
EXLIBRIS BY 12 ARTISTS - Published by the Nippon Exlibris Association in Commemoration of the Four General Assembly
Woodblock Print, 木口Woodblock Print, Katazome, Copper Print, Lithograph
Kanamori Yoshio, Karasawa Hitoshi, Sekino Junichiro, Hiratsuka Unichi, Furusawa Iwami and Other Artists
EXLIBRIS BY 12 ARTISTS - Published by the Nippon Exlibris Association in Commemoration of the Second General Assembly
Woodblock Print, 木口Woodblock Print, Katazome, Copper Print
Takei Takeo, Azechi Umetaro, Hiwasaki Tkao, Clifton Karhu and Other Artists
Ex Libris Calendar Album (1976-1980)
Woodblock Print, 木口Woodblock Print, 伊勢型on Paper