Aigasa Masayoshi
Portrait of a girl standing
42*17cm (Image size) / 53*28.5cm (Sheet size)
20,000 JPY
Koizumi Kishio
Prints of a Hundred Views of Great Tokyo in the Showa Era / No. 77: Hirakawa Gate in Spring Rain
28x37.2cm (Image size)
45,000 JPY
Kawakami Sumio
Japanese Numerals Watch, Telescopes and Pipe
32.3x34.2cm (Sheet size)
30,000 JPY
Takehisa Yumeji
Koharu and Jihei
approx. 30.5x12cm each (Image size)
大正3年頃 (c. 1914)
250,000 JPY
Takehisa Yumeji
Younger Sister
30x23.5cm (Mat opening) / 53.5x42cm (Frame size)
15,000 JPY
Sugano Yo
Sugano Yo Portforio No.8
10.5x7cm (Image size) 22.2x17.7cm (Sheet size)
12,000 JPY
Nimura Yuko
LOCATION -I'm Here / There-
6*8.7-7.5*9.5cm (Image size) / 13.5*20cm (Book size)
10,000 JPY
Kanamori Yoshio
collection of recent prins by Kanamori Yoshio
18*15cm each (Image size)
100,000 JPY